I take great pride in knowing my business helps other businesses to create and generate wealth. I grew up in a small business; my Father was a sign maker in Essex, and unfortunately the accountant he had was not an asset to his business.
Seeing the issues faced, and the bad experience my Dad had with his advisers, have led me to create an accountancy practice with a difference…. we aim to put you, the client, first in everything we do.
We try and put Customer Service at the heart of everything we do, and this is reflected in the amazing reviews and testimonials we receive from clients. Not only do we have 46 genuine 5 star Google reviews (I believe this is the most for any Accountancy Practice in Kent), but we also receive glowing reports about our Client Managers. (Also rated 5 stars in a recent survey)
So, how do we do it? – 5 ways we provide excellence
- Great Systems
Firstly, if you have ever wondered why we are called Accsys (pronounced Ack – Sis) it’s because we believe in Accounting and Systems. Systems are the processes that exist in your business and without robust systems and processes your business will struggle. These systems don’t have to be documented or written down, but they do have to be thought out and understood by everyone involved.
We work hard to make sure our processes are well thought out and followed. So that if any mistakes do happen then they are not repeated but rectified. If you haven’t read the E-myth by Michael Gerber (purchase here) then please do, it’s a great book.
Also, while I am recommending books have a read of, my book, The Organised Business while you are at. Get your FREE copy here.
- Great Employees
We have a great team – from our newest member of staff, Rachael, to our longest serving employee, Julie, we have managed to find some excellent staff members. The secret is that we take our time recruiting and involve the rest of the team in the decision. I trust the rest of my teams’ judgement and so far, this approach has not let me down.
We give all of our prospective employees three interviews – number 1 interview is with me, second is with two members of the team and number 3 is everyone else. We follow the maxim that you should hire slowly and fire quickly.
Read more about our team here .
- Great Clients
I am picky about who we work with because, like most relationships, to build a great one it takes two. We will go out to bat for our clients 100% of the time and in return our clients help us to help them. Not every business qualifies to work with Accsys Accountants and for those that do, we will go out of our way to help them grow.
We have recently launched our Client Spotlight where we offer all of our clients a month’s free advertising and promotion – read more
Sadly, this country has seen customer service levels fall off a cliff; have you ever tried to ring a bank or for that matter any larger business? Frustration is an understatement. We want to reverse this trend in our own small way. We also keep client numbers low so that we can offer great service to each and every one.
- Communication is number 1
There is not a day that goes by that I don’t remind a team member to communicate more with clients. It’s all well and good us being great at what we do, but if we don’t communicate with you, the client, then it all falls down. By building a good relationship with your Client Manager they can get to know you and tailor their advice to you.
- Great Tech
We love technology because it frees up time to focus on the important things. It frees up your time to focus on running your business and it frees up our time so we can focus on giving you the best advice. We were one of the first practices in Kent to start using Xero and are one of Kent’s few 100% Xero accountancy practices. Xero links with 1000’s of other software applications to help you grow your business.
Xero also own Hubdoc.com which allows us to help you go paperless with your Purchase Ledger.
In Conclusion
We exist to assist you to grow your business, if you can think of any other way that we can help you grow, just let us know.
Please also take a moment to click through our website, our Communication Hub has been building over the last few years and there is some really good content to help your business.