Understanding your accounts

In the past Accounts were something that you reviewed at the year-end meeting. A meeting where your accountant would go through the Accounts with you, but all you were thinking was “How much tax do I have to pay?”
Things have changed and the modern accountant helps clients understand their numbers and get useful information from them more frequently than just at the year end.
Using the latest technology, Hubdoc and Xero, helps us to keep the accounts up to date – enabling you to see the profit in your business in real time. Then you can use that information to make decisions about your future.
It is worlds apart from simply looking back at your old accounts and trying to make sense of your business today from out of date figures.
Each of the three services – Compliance, Compliance Plus and Financial Controller – include free training to help you understand your numbers.
Compliance Plus incorporates a year end meeting and Financial Controller allows us even more time to focus on your management accounts.
Your Business = Your Numbers
Its your business so its not good enough for just us to understand your numbers. If you want to grow and become successful your need a good grasp on your number too.