Nobody can be good at everything so no one should try to be.
I am aware that I can’t do everything in my business so why is it that I try to?
Probably because, like most accountants, I hate spending money, but this trait, of wanting to do it all myself can end up costing me.
Here’s an example:
I now use Jim of ‘Sysk Computer Services Ltd’ to help me fix my computers.
In the past I would of attempted to do it myself, searching the internet for solutions and playing around to get the things going. Once, I spent 4 hours trying to sort out a printer and Jim did it less than half an hour. Of course, Jim charged me, but significantly less than I could of made if I had been working on other things.
So I have learnt that to be successful you have to concentrate on what you are good at and fill your weaknesses by employing great people.
Taking it to another level…
Once you recognise that you can’t do everything, then you can start to explore the possibility that you could create a business that doesn’t actually need you to do anything.
Imagine a business that acted more like an investment and just gave you returns without you having to sacrifice your time.
Take a hard look at your business and your role in it and see if you can imagine organising it so it runs without you involved.
If you can’t imagine it but it sounds like something you want to try, then a great place to start is by reading The Organised Business
If you have achieved this then congratulations, you are one of the top 5% of small business owners who have made it.