A Fresh Start in 2025: Transform Your Small Business with Accsys Accountants by Your Side

As the calendar turns to 2025, it’s time to write the obligatory ‘let’s get it done in 2025’ blog. So here goes. This time of year is a great time to leave behind the challenges of the past and embrace new opportunities. It’s weird because it’s just another turn of the [...]

Introducing Dashboards: Instant Access to Your Financial Data at a Glance – For Free!

At Accsys Accountants, we're always looking for ways to add value to our services and make managing your business easier. That's why we're excited to introduce Dashboards, a new addition to our services that gives you real-time access to your Xero financial data, presented in a clear and easy-to-read graphical format – and [...]

The Value of Having a Dedicated Accountant at Your Fingertips & No Extra Fees

In today's fast-paced business landscape, where technology often takes the forefront, the human touch remains an invaluable asset. For small business owners, having a professional adviser readily available can be the difference between thriving, and merely surviving. In a world where call centres and automated responses are becoming the norm, businesses [...]

Communicating With Your Accountant

You may be surprised that many accountants are not great at communicating. We frequently hear stories about the broken relationship business owners have with their accountants and the root of this relationship break down is poor communication. They say that assumption is the mother of all Screw-Ups, and that is exactly [...]

What are the warning signs of employee fraud?

You don’t have to look very hard to see cases of Employee Fraud, such as the case of Darren Carvill who stole more than £250,000 from employer Mr Clutch  in Strood, Kent https://www.kentonline.co.uk/maidstone/news/accounts-worker-blew-stolen-250-000-on-escorts-and-drugs-202559/ or Stephanie Graysmark who stole £177K from her employer Central Beach Caravan Park in Sheppy, Kent https://www.kentonline.co.uk/sheerness/news/gambling-addict-who-crippled-business-ordered-to-repay-1-207029/ These frauds are [...]

By |2023-11-17T15:14:13+00:00July 10th, 2019|Accounting, Blog, Employees, Fraud|0 Comments
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