“So why do I need an accountant at all?”
I was asked this recently by a potential client of mine. At first, I was taken a back because he showed me the corporation tax return he had just completed and the [...]
The 1st and most important system you can develop for your business.
If you know me then you will know I am a little obsessed with systems and processes – I actually named my business Accsys because I wanted to develop Kent’s Leading Systemised [...]
Feeling HOT, HOT, HOT – but what does the law say?
Kent is on the verge of a mini heat wave. Unless you have some sort of comfort cooling in your office or workplace then it’s probably going to get pretty uncomfortable. [...]
How Xero can help you improve and grow your business!
I believe that at the centre of any business are the finances and ultimately this means the bookkeeping package that you use to record the day to day transactions that will provide [...]
It’s a disaster – what happens next?
You have probably all heard the news about the Arson in Maidstone two weeks ago. If you haven’t here is a link This fire has had a devastating effect on many [...]
Getting value for money for your business
Getting value for money for your business Generally speaking there are really only two ways to make more profit in your business, selling more or cutting costs. Keeping an eye on the [...]
Focus for business success.
Focus for business success. One of the secrets of successful business people is their ability to focus. Our lives, both business and personal are full of distractions and from the moment you [...]
Just how bad does it have to get?
Does this sound at all familiar to you? You have a successful business, you might have good sales maybe £100K or even a million or two but most of the time it [...]
How to make more time in the day
"My favourite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time." Time really is the our most precious [...]
Can you have a successful second business?
You have spent years growing your business and you have achieved some success with it. It probably takes up a huge amount of your time and effort but it’s worth it. One [...]
Ten ways to spot a disorganised business
If you think you may have a disorganised business but aren't sure then here are ten ways you can tell: Paperwork - You often find it difficult to find things, paperwork, files [...]
Why you need an online bookkeeping package.
Many business owners use a spreadsheet or desktop package to do their bookkeeping but we think they should stop and switch to an online bookkeeping package such as and here are [...]
Why the cloud is so important for businesses.
The cloud is another way of saying the internet but in this context it usually goes hand in hand with delivering a service over the internet. The cloud is where you can [...]
A Sat Nav For Your Business
If only there was a Sat Nav for your business, a tool to help you find the best route to success. In my opinion, the secret of making any business successful is [...]
It’s A Risky Business
T.S. Elliot once wrote “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” You can’t run your own business without taking risks and if [...]
Starting Out In Business, The 10 Fundamentals You Should Know
A few years ago, information for people starting a business was pretty thin on the ground. People used to talk to the bank manager, their mates down the pub and maybe their [...]
How Do You Price Your Products And Services
Whenever I sign up a new client, I make a point of always asking the question; How do you price your services? The answers I get are often surprising and not what [...]
Systemising Your Business
When I read the E-myth by Michael Gerber and later when I discovered Work the System by Sam Carpenter, I understood exactly what they meant. I had seen the result of a [...]
How To Get The Bank To Say…YES
Getting Banks to say yes to finance is getting harder and harder, but they are still the major source of finance for small businesses in the UK. When applying for finance from [...]
The Lifetime Value Of A Customer
To know how profitable your marketing is, you need to know the lifetime value of your customers. This is the average profit you earn from a customer over their lifetime. Take a [...]
Online Bookkeeping – Why I Was Converted
I believe that I am fairly open-minded when it comes to Technology. I do my shopping and banking on line. I own an iPhone and love a good app but there was [...]