Build a Great Relationship with your Accountant
Ignore us at your Peril I was at a seminar recently, given by a Marketing “Guru” and he was pitching his take on how to get rich, which basically involved learning how [...]
9 Essential Business Numbers to Support Your Gut Decisions
Don't Just Go With Your Gut! This post is about how the right business numbers can help you make decisions. Managing a business is tough, whether your business is growing, is stagnant [...]
How To Add Paypal To Xero [VIDEO]
Here at Accsys Accountants Ltd, we are also Xero Experts! So here, we have made a simple video to help you. How To Add Paypal To Xero is an easy and informative [...]
How We Saved a Client 44 Hours a Month…
Here’s how we did it. It all started during a recent review with a client where we highlighted, with the MD, an issue that we thought may be causing them problems. [...]
Is There Too Much Red Tape For Small Businesses?
Surely no-one can dispute that small businesses are vital for the economy: In 2013, there were 4.9 million businesses in the UK, over 99% of which were small and medium enterprises. Small [...]
“We Are No Better Than Anyone Else!”
I was at a networking meeting a while ago and sat next to a fellow businessman who, during the course of our conversation said to me, “We are no better than anyone [...]
You Can Keep Big Business, Small Is Best In My Book
As we have seen recently with Volkswagen, big businesses can get themselves in all sorts of trouble. When businesses get big they can lose flexibility, lose control and sometimes lose their moral [...]
The Value Of Having A Bill Of Materials
A Bill of Materials (BoM) is a comprehensive, hierarchical list of the quantities of components, ingredients or materials needed to make a finished product. In manufacturing, all components required to manufacture a [...]
Has Your Accountant Discovered Their Inner Magician?
I have noticed lately an increase in the number of calls from business owners whose accountants have seemingly taken on Magical Powers. They have mastered the art of disappearing. Cutting off all communication [...]
Who Puts The Fun In Funding These Days? Modern Alternatives To Bank Funding.
Gone are the days when you were able to rely on your bank for raising finance, come to think of it, gone are the days when you are able to rely on [...]
A Xero Tip From Accsys Accountants
Here is another tip from us to you. This one is about using your right click to open new Xero windows and how this can save you a lot of time. If [...]
HMRC Are Watching You.
If you happen to read HMRC’s website (and I do more than I care to admit) you would see that one of their key responsibilities is safeguarding the flow of money to [...]
Should We Behave More Like The French? Are We Too Passive?
Believe me as a resident of Kent who has suffered at the hands of Operation Stack, often caused by French Industrial Action, I do not say this lightly but should we, as [...]
Importance of a virtual office
There are many reasons why you might want to use a virtual office address for your business. For example, if you run your business from home and you [...]
Tired Of Being On The Clock? There Is Another Way.
Traditionally accountants, like solicitors, record time to calculate how much to bill their clients each year. This means that every call, email, letter and piece of work is noted during the days, [...]
Lesson In Business From A Declining Seaside Town.
I grew up in a traditional English seaside town that can trace its history back to 1871. The town was founded by entrepreneur and businessman Peter Bruff. The Pier was one of [...]
“Please don’t waste my time sending me unnecessary paperwork!” says angry accountant
I was meeting some potential clients the other day and during these initial meetings I routinely ask if there is anything they would change about their relationship with their existing accountant. This husband [...]
When you are dying of thirst it’s too late to start digging a well !
Fortunately, if your business is struggling and you haven’t ever undertaken any planning it’s not too late to start. The importance of planning in a business is well documented. Without a plan how [...]
I only hear from my accountant once a year.
Imagine if you were a sports star and you had a great coach to help you with your game but you only had their attention once a year. You would be amazing [...]
Are you paying your business?
Businesses are meant to make you money, to support you and your family’s lifestyle. There are times in your businesses journey, especially when you are starting out, that you have to pay [...]
Fingers in the Till – How you can spot common frauds
A few nights ago I saw a documentary about small business owners who had been defrauded by their bookkeepers. This was a blatant abuse of their positions, where individuals stole hundreds of thousands [...]
A Great Summer Budget 2015? Not for Small Business
In our opinion todays budget was for, in the most part, the employed, as opposed to the self-employed or small business owner. An increase in the personal allowance and the creation of [...]
Setting sail in a partnerSHIP? How to avoid trouble waters.
This seems like an absolute no brainer to me but you may be surprised by how many people go into business with someone without first agreeing what each other’s role will be [...]
It’s not personal, Sonny. It’s strictly business.
I couldn’t resist quoting The Godfather when writing this post about keeping your personal expenditure separate from your Business expenditure. The rest of this post doesn't quite live up to the excitement [...]
Learning from your customers
Most customers won’t tell you if you have done a bad job they just won’t use you again. If it reaches that point it’s too late for those customers but to secure [...]