The curse of assumed knowledge

By |2023-10-10T14:24:05+01:00May 12th, 2023|Blog, Business Growth, knowledge|

Assuming that everyone has the same level of knowledge or understanding as you do, without actually checking to make sure, can be a problem in business because it can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes that can cost you time and money. For example, if you assume that everyone knows how to [...]

Another Bank Holiday – are you joking?!

By |2023-10-10T14:36:36+01:00May 4th, 2023|bank holiday, Blog|

The title of this blog has come up in conversations with our clients recently, who cannot believe there is another bank holiday in May to celebrate the King’s coronation. Already stressed about the state of the economy, the interest rate, cost of living etc to add in another day off, totalling [...]

End of Q1 – How are you doing vs your plan?

By |2023-10-10T15:03:18+01:00April 20th, 2023|Blog|

In January, we released our Recession Busting Business Plan template, and here we are now, at the end of Q1 2023 and I wondered how you are doing against the plan you drew up. It seems we may be avoiding a recession, but it has to be said that times are [...]

The Importance of Non-Financial KPIs: Understanding what they are and why they matter

By |2023-10-12T15:33:20+01:00April 6th, 2023|Blog, KPI|

Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Key Performance Indicators (KPi’s) are often associated with financial measures, but Non-Financial Key Performance Indicators (NFKPi’s) are equally important and should be identified and measured to allow the performance of an organisation to be viewed as a whole. [...]

Why corporate responsibility matters!

By |2023-10-12T16:31:46+01:00March 23rd, 2023|Blog|

Corporate responsibility refers to the concept that businesses have a responsibility to act in a socially responsible manner. This includes considering the impact of their activities on the environment, society, and the economy. There are several reasons why corporate responsibility is important: Reputation and brand image: Consumers are increasingly conscious of [...]

Spring Budget Update for Small Business Owners

By |2023-11-17T14:14:10+00:00March 17th, 2023|Blog|

The Spring Budget took place on the 15th March 2023 and it has to be said, on the face of it, was not that exciting. That said, it was predictable given the mess Kwhasj’s budget made. The key headlines for business owners are: Corporation Tax Rate increase to 25% going ahead. [...]

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