A client recently said to me that they were proud of the fact that they have employed people, straight out of school, and that these people have now bought houses, gained a footing on the property ladder and made a life. He was, quite rightly, proud of the fact that he and his business had supported and enabled that.

There’re so many reasons for our clients to be proud of what they have achieved as a business owner and give themselves a pat on the back.  I know most of them wouldn’t, because pride comes before a fall after all, but now and again it’s not a bad thing to take a moment from beating yourself up and think about what you and your business has achieved.

Reasons to be proud

Providing for your family

First and foremost, you are providing for yourself and your family. If that is not one of the main reasons for doing what you do, then I don’t know what is. You are making a living and providing for your nearest and dearest and that’s a reason to be proud.

Providing Employment

You have created jobs, provided employment and helped people to make their way in life. This is not to be underestimated in its importance – you are driving the economy, creating taxes and giving people a purpose.

Offering a good service at a fair price

To be frank, you are not a scammer – you are providing a good quality service, to the best of your abilities at a fair price. This makes the world a better place. Its too easy to overcharge, provide a rubbish service or scam and rip people off. Its harder to make it work being fair and equitable. Of course, you are trying to maximise what you do, and you wouldn’t be in business if you didn’t try and come out on top of every deal, but there is a fine line between this and ripping people off.

Doing it properly

Running a business and making it work each month and year is not easy. The red tape and the hoops you need to jump through are difficult at best, and near impossible at worst. There are legislation, rules and requirements everywhere you go and, although we are helping on the finance side, you are doing it, getting through it and making it work!

Don’t get taken advantage of by your business

These are just few of the reasons why you should be proud of your business and your role in it. And it is important to stop and look at these once in a while, because it’s easy for business owners to feel resentment for their business.  Often working longer hours and for less pay than some of their staff, they feel they are disadvantaged for owning a business or feel that no one else cares about their business.

So how do you avoid this? Firstly, you are not alone. It’s not uncommon for business owners to feel resentment toward their businesses, especially when they feel overworked and undervalued. Here are some strategies to help avoid these feelings and regain a sense of control and satisfaction:

Reassess Work-Life Balance

Define clear working hours and stick to them as best you can (he says, whilst writing this on a Sunday morning 😊). Ensure you have time for family, hobbies, and rest.

Identify tasks that can be delegated to staff or outsourced. This will free up your time, enabling you to take a step back and make time to look at running the business, as well as for yourself.

Evaluate Compensation

Ensure you’re compensating yourself fairly for the work you put in. This is difficult when the business is struggling but try and pay yourself first.

Consider profit-sharing schemes to align staff incentives with business success. This can foster a sense of shared responsibility and reduce your workload.

Build a Supportive Team

Employ people who are genuinely interested in the success of the business. Look for team members who share your values and vision and let go those people who don’t. Find and weed out the weak links – your business will be better for it.

Consider investing in leadership training for yourself and key staff members. Good leadership can foster a positive, motivated team. Most small business owners do not invest in themselves or spend time training themselves.

Improve Operational Efficiency

Invest in technology to automate repetitive tasks, saving you time and reducing frustration. For example, use Hubdoc to simplify the handling of your bookkeeping receipts and get a good CRM system.  Regularly review and improve business processes to ensure they are as efficient as possible, and you can free up your time.

Seek External Support

Join business groups or forums where you can share experiences and solutions with other business owners. For example, the Accsys Support Network is starting in September and is open to all clients.

If you are struggling to focus on the path ahead, then you could enlist the help of a mentor or business coach who can provide guidance and support.  It’s also important to look after your mental health, so that you can fully function for your business.  Techniques like yoga, or breathing exercises can help manage stress, or if you are feeling particularly overwhelmed or stressed, it may be worth considering talking to a mental health professional.

Review Business Goals

Regularly revisit why you started the business and what you want to achieve. This can reignite your passion and provide direction.  Break down your long-term vision into short-term, achievable goals to maintain motivation and a sense of progress. Try the new Accsys Goal Setter™ App to help you set your vision and your goals.


Owning and running a business gives you plenty of things to be proud but you can lose yourself along the way.

By implementing these strategies, you can foster a healthier relationship with your business, ensuring it remains a source of pride and satisfaction rather than resentment.