About William Wood

William is a Chartered Accountant, business adviser and author. As the founder of Accsys Accountants, William is dedicated to helping his clients acheive their business ambitions. With over 15 years experience in a variety of industries, William brings a wealth of knowledge to the business. William’s true passion is helping businesses become efficient by using systems and processes. He loves systems so much he wrote a book about them! The Organised Business is the cumulation of 15 years of working in and around small businesses and seeing what works and what doesn’t.

How Xero Creates Happy Property Investors

If you own a reasonable number of rental properties, then you know how time consuming it can be managing them. Tracking the rent coming in each month, making sure everyone has paid and managing the expenses. If you do this on a spreadsheet then I feel your pain. It’s easy to become a slave to [...]

By |2020-08-18T11:04:59+01:00January 25th, 2016|Blog, Xero|0 Comments

The Town That Took on The Tax Man

Did you see this BBC2 documentary last night? If not check it out on the iPlayer. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer The business people of Crickhowell, a small town in Wales, took on HMRC and the tax system to try and level the playing field for small businesses. They attempted to prove a point by researching and investigate a [...]

By |2020-08-18T11:04:59+01:00January 21st, 2016|Blog, Tax|0 Comments

Is There Too Much Red Tape For Small Businesses?

Surely no-one can dispute that small businesses are vital for the economy: In 2013, there were 4.9 million businesses in the UK, over 99% of which were small and medium enterprises. Small and medium enterprises employed 14,424,000 people in the UK in 2013. The European Commission’s SME Performance Review estimates the Gross Value Added of [...]

By |2020-08-18T11:04:59+01:00October 23rd, 2015|Blog, Opinion, Tax|0 Comments
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