About William Wood

William is a Chartered Accountant, business adviser and author. As the founder of Accsys Accountants, William is dedicated to helping his clients acheive their business ambitions. With over 15 years experience in a variety of industries, William brings a wealth of knowledge to the business. William’s true passion is helping businesses become efficient by using systems and processes. He loves systems so much he wrote a book about them! The Organised Business is the cumulation of 15 years of working in and around small businesses and seeing what works and what doesn’t.

Business Owners are now feeling the shock of Dividends changes – Thanks George

Back in 2015 George Osbourne announced a change to dividends tax rate that effectively increased the tax burden on small business owners. The effects of this were not felt immediately so the change probably passed many by. It is only now that many business owners are receiving their 2016/17 tax returns that the full effect [...]

By |2023-11-17T11:05:30+00:00November 3rd, 2017|Blog, Tax|0 Comments

New Accsys Team Members

Introducing two new members of our team. We are pleased to welcome two new team members to Accsys Accountants. James and Cassie join us to help manage our continued growth in 2017. James Hartley James joins us as a Client Manager Assistant and will help our Client Managers in their roles supporting our clients. [...]

By |2023-11-07T06:37:52+00:00July 5th, 2017|Blog, Business Growth|0 Comments
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