This month is all about the people problem; we will give you some great insight and advice on how recruiting and managing good people is vital for your business’s growth. Effective recruitment is crucial for your business, and with these simple must-haves, you’ll have a highly qualified team that can progress your business to the next level.
At the end of the month, we will also provide you with a round-up of everything we have gone through. We have added this blog so that you can see everything in one place and not miss a thing!
Stay tuned for more tips on how to grow your business and resolve all the common scenarios that most businesses come across throughout there time.
Recruitment- The People Problem
Growing businesses need people. You only have one pair of hands, and unless you want to spend all of your time bogged down in admin and firefighting problems, you will need people (whether employees or subcontractors) to do all of the things that you either do not have time to do or to do the things that you do not have the skills to do.
When we talk to many small business owners, we often hear that they have problems finding good people. But finding good people is not the only people problem that you, as a small business owner, needs to deal with effectively to help your business to grow.
Once you have good people in place, you need to ensure that you keep them so that they don’t leave you. Otherwise, you get stuck trying to find another good person to replace them, oh the bitter cycle.